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Children enter the pre-school where kind and gentle staff greet them. They settle quickly, seek out their friends and engage in play. Staff implement a key-person system well and confidently identify children's next steps. Children are comfortable to approach their key person and do so with ease. They feel secure and safe, and they are happy while at the pre-school. Children behave well and positively interact with their peers. Staff remind children of the pre-school rules, and children listen and respond well to instructions. Staff are good role models, and children show respect for staff and their peers alike. This helps to support children's personal, social and emotional development well.
Staff have a particular focus on communication and language. For example, they use other ways to communicate with children other than spoken words, such as by using sign language. Children learn new words through conversations with staff and play with their peers. Those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are particularly supported well. Staff ensure that the environment supports their inclusion well. For example, they provide a quiet and enclosed sensory area, which allows children to take some time on their own to calm down if needed. All children make good progress.
DownloadStepping Stones Pre-School Marlow
Stepping Stones Pre-School, Foxes Piece School, Newfield Road, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 1JW
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